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Operators Details

Operators Attributes
Other InformationWhen people in Norway graduate from
upper secondary school they become "russ".
To celebrate this some of them buy an old
bus and rebuild it for housing parties.
The buses are often old wrecks, and it is
mostly in and around the larger cities that
they spend money on these buses.

Search Vehicles

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
DR 25991 Scania L94IB6x2*4NB / Vest Contrast 14,8mVestVest ContrastScania L94IB 6x2Scania DC9 06 300 (CRT)2017-No Photo1/1
UA 27067 Scania K 310 UB6x2*4LB / Vest Center H 14,8mVestVest CenterScania K UB 6x2*4 LBScania DC9 18 310?-No Photo1/1
KF 96415 Volvo B10M-65 / Vest Ambassadør II 340 13,0mVestVest Ambassadør IIVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)Volvo DH10A360 (A7)2014-No Photo1/1
KJ 28583 Mercedes-Benz O405GMercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz O405Mercedes-Benz O405G (357/612)2017-No Photo1/1
UA 22021 Volvo B10M-60 / Vest V25 12,4mVestVest VVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)Volvo DH10A360 (A7)2017-No Photo1/1
UA 24498 Volvo B12BLE 6x2 / Vest Center L 14,4mVestVest CenterVolvo B12BLE 6x2 (R8)Volvo DH12D340 (F8)2015-No Photo1/1
BD 85323 Scania L94IB4x2NB / Vest V25 12,0mVestVest VScania L94IBScania DC9 02 260?-No Photo1/1
DK 42582 MAN SÜ313MANMAN Lion`s ClassicMAN SÜxx3 (A72/A91)MAN D2866LUH24Voith D864.3E2016-No Photo1/1
KH 12930 Volvo 8500LE 12,0mSäffleVolvo 8500Volvo B7RLE 4x2 (R6)Volvo D7C275 (G7)2012-No Photo1/1
KH 14920-KH 15025 Volvo B7R / Vest V25 12,2mVestVest VVolvo B7R (R6)Volvo D7C310 (H1)2017-No Photo2/2
UA 24709-UA 24717 Scania L94UB6x2*4LB / Vest Center L 14,8mVestVest CenterScania L94UB 6x2Scania DC9 06 300 (CRT)2016-No Photo4/4
DP 68321-LH 86216 Volvo B10M-60 / Aabenraa M89AabenraaAabenraa M89Volvo B10M 4x2 (1M)2004-No Photo2/3
VF 38754 Volvo B6BLE / Vest V10 9,9mVestVest VVolvo B6BLE (R3)Volvo D6A210 (B1)2013-No Photo1/1
UA 23366 Scania K114EB6x2*4NI / Vest V25 14,9mVestVest VScania K114EB 6x2Scania DC11 04 380?-No Photo1/1
HJ 65331-HJ 66035 Volvo B10M-C70 / Vest Ambassadør 340 13,7mVestVest AmbassadørVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)Volvo DH10A360 (A7)2014-No Photo2/2
KH 13056 Volvo B7R / Vest V25 12,0mVestVest VVolvo B7R (R6)Volvo D7C275 (G7)2014-No Photo1/1
BP 81585-BP 81588 Volvo 9700S 15,0mDeltaVolvo 9700 (2001)Volvo B12M 6x2 (R9)Volvo DH12D340 (F8)2018-No Photo3/3
NE 89987 Volvo 9700H 13,5mDeltaVolvo 9700 (2001)Volvo B12M 4x2 (R9)Volvo DH12D380 (F9)2012-No Photo1/1
BU 19630 Mercedes-Benz O550Mercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz O550Mercedes-Benz OM 447 hLA.I/32019-No Photo1/1

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
NV 50835 Ikarus EAG E91.51Ikarus EAGIkarus EAG E912014?No Photo0/1
VE 63913 Volvo B10R-59 / SäffleSäffleSäffle ?Volvo B10R (1R)20092011No Photo0/1
LJ 50828 Volvo B10M / Ajokki ExpressAjokkiAjokki ExpressVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)??No Photo0/1
BE 11070 Volvo 9700S 14,7mDeltaVolvo 9700 (2001)Volvo B12M 6x2 (R9)Volvo DH12D340 (F8)20172016No Photo0/1
UA 26565 Volvo B12M 6x2 / Vest Contrast 15,0mVestVest ContrastVolvo B12M 6x2 (R9)Volvo DH12E340 (K8)20182022No Photo0/1